Sunday, December 2, 2007

John Tejada Live PA @ Sullivan Room

After the Blip Festival, I headed to Sullivan Room to check out DJ set by friends Samsara and live p.a. by LA minimal man John Tejada. His modest setup was an elektron machinedrum and an elektron monomachine run into a 16 channel Mackie board with a Korg KP3 on the Aux for effects. There was something else on the end that looked like one of those MFB synths. After they finally got the levels turned up past the point where people were talking to the guy during his set, he brought out his signature melodic deep techno. The sound in Sullivan Room is less than satisfactory but John's tunes sounded great and he really won over the crowd who at first didn't know what the hell was going on. Maybe not his ideal audience, but for those of us that came to hear him throw down, we got what we came for. I couldn't help but compare it to what I had just seen at Blip Fest. Of course, Tejada's music is much deeper and not for losing your mind like a raving sugar rushed ten-year old playing Atari with a mouth full of Pop Rocks. Deep melodies, satisfying low-end, and tasteful electronic percussion made this another inspiring set that I am grateful to have witnessed.

Check out John Tejada's label, Palette Recordings

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